Genesis One. The Six Day Creation Account. You must have read it or heard it read a hundred times. But did you ever stop to think just what it was that God created?
On day one God enlightened some kind of primordial waters. Now this is hard to conceptualize. Try to imagine that there exists nothing but waters, nothing else at all. Now try to imagine that they are pitch black. Keep trying to imagine. Imagine that suddenly, they are made translucent with light, like a shallow bay in the tropics, whose waters are bright and shining. This is what God created on the first day. But there still existed nothing but waters.
On day two God inserted amidst the waters what you could envision as a dome that functioned as a kind of forcefield to hold the waters at bay. As a result there came into being the sky and the seas.
On day three dry land dry land in all its variety -- plains, hills, mountains, deserts, jutted up from the waters, and on it, vegetation in all
variety-- grass, trees, shrubs, flowers. And it was vegetation with seed, so vegetation that would perpetually bedeck the dry land.
Things were starting to take shape. From here, God needed merely to refine what he had thus far created.
On day four he refined the light, by creating the sun and moon for days and nights, and the stars for plotting the seasons. On day five he refined the sky and the seas by making them team with birds of the sky and fish of the sea. On day six he refined the dry land by filling it with all manners of beasts.
And further, on day six, God created humankind in his image. Of all his creation, humankind alone is deemed to have been created in his image. A great distinction, but a great enigma. What does it mean, exactly? How is humankind unique amidst all creation with regard to God? Humankind alone was created with God’s image writ within it, so that it could know him.
So there it stands. Genesis One. The Six Day Creation Account. But to return to the original question. Did you ever stop to think just what it was that God created? He created a cosmos that we can recognize, albeit not one scientifically accurate. But how could it be scientifically accurate? That would be anachronistic. It was written in the sixth century BCE, an even 2,000 years before the advent of science. God created the cosmos as the ancients understood it. Had this been written in this day, God would have created the cosmos as we understand it, according to The Big Bang Theory.
But far more significant than
God created is
God created it. God created it by imposing order on chaos, by attenuating the chaos day by day, until what was once chaos now stood as order.
So the bottom line is this. Imposing order on chaos is a divine act. Here is where we may find application for our own lives. For there has been no shortage of chaos this past year. We could practically entitle this past year:
2020, The Year of Non-Stop Chaos.
First and foremost, there was the chaos from Covid 19. All serious diseases create chaos. I remember the day when my father came home from the doctor. He was exactly my age at the time. He had been experiencing some symptoms, but nothing too serious. We can relate to that. We experience symptoms from time to time. We give it some time; live with it a while, see if it will pass. But if it doesn’t, we head to the doctor to get a diagnosis and a pill to pop. His diagnosis was stage four cancer with metastatic disease. There was no pill to pop for that. And chaos was created. Every illusion that we held of permanency and security was shattered. Every hope that we had for the future was dashed. Every sense we had of our self-identities was obliterated . All gone in the blink of an eye. So Covid 19 has created like chaos for those who were afflicted by it, and for their loved ones.
But that was just the start of it, because of the ripple effect. Chaos was created for doctors and nurses and other health care professionals. Chaos was created for all front line workers. Chaos was created for the educational system - teachers, students, administrators, and parents. Chaos was created for endless sectors of businesses - travel, tourism, restaurants, and theaters. Chaos was created for those who found themselves suddenly unemployed.
And Covid 19 wasn’t even the end of it. Unrelated civic disorder created chaos - a tumultuous presidential election, riotous protests from the left and right, exploding gun violence in major cities. So yes, there has been no shortage of chaos this past year.
And all of this was but layers upon the chaos that is created in everyday life - the loss that afflicts us, the betrayal that afflicts us, the unfairness that afflicts us, the abuse that afflicts us, the conflict that afflicts us.
But if you think about it, in an unwelcome way, in the past year we all shared something in common. We all tumbled together into the primordial waters. But God has shown us the way out. We must impose order on that chaos, and so create -- not the old order, mind you. That’s not the way it works. The old order is gone forever. When the old order descends into chaos, it can’t be replicated. That would be too easy. That would give us some clear direction. We must impose order on chaos and so create something new.
But there is more to be said. The fullness of it has yet to be mentioned. That fullness has to do with Jesus Christ. You know it kills me that so many scholars love to dress Jesus Christ down. Of course they are magnanimous enough to toss him a bone. They give him credit for being a prophet, a champion of social justice, or a fount of wisdom. But there is one thing standing in the way of their cogitations. It’s called the New Testament. The New Testament makes cosmic claims for Jesus Christ. And it’s not that tough to glean. He calmed the chaotic waters, after all.
God imposed order on chaos and so created the cosmos. And God in Jesus Christ took flesh to bring the cosmos to its highest expression. As we look to impose order on the chaos that confronts us, we must look to him. In him all things hold together. Amen.
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